Our Process
At Architektur Ltd, we are interested in a rational process of design, which really takes into account all of the clients needs. We also want to simplify the process between client input and finished product by remaining ‘hands on’ throughout the entire project. Thereby ensuring that the attention to detail is maintained from design to building completion.
We are especially interested in residential projects, as they offer more opportunity to personalize buildings to the site context and the requirements of the clients lifestyle.
Architektur Ltd will prepare the architectural drawings and documentation required to satisfy the local councils requirements on your behalf. We will also liaise will all consultants required and ensure that their documents and drawings correlate with ours to protect the integrity of the design and ensure full compliance with the relevant regulations.
Our consultants are dealing with the council constantly. So they are monitoring differing & changing interpretations of the development rules, especially when it comes to the Resource Management Act and engineering standards.
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Free Consultation

Whoever you choose, I encourage you to select your design person carefully. There are many ‘dead ends’ and difficulties that could derail your approval and extend the time and cost to achieve your goals.
I offer a free 1-2 hour strategy consultation to give you greater clarity on your project. This will give you a better idea of how the roadmap, specific to your ideas could move forward. This session will allow us both to understand the requirements and set realistic expectations.
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Project Scope & Fee proposal

Based on the outcomes of the free consultation session, I will prepare a preliminary project proposal for you, this comes with a preliminary fee proposal, which if accepted will move us to Stage 3.
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Sketch Design

Includes initial discussions, confirmation of the brief, the development of a design for the project.
A set of drawings comprising proposed floor plans, site-plan and two hand drawn perspective sketches of the proposed build. Three dimensional computer modelling can vary dramatically in detail and cost (especially in the initial design stages) depending on how many iterations of the design there may be. So the extent & detail of this can be discussed once the initial sketch design has been confirmed.
Depending on the nature & complexity of a project a pre Resource Consent ‘application meeting’ may be worthwhile once a Sketch design is complete. This is an opportunity to confirm that the council will interpret its own regulations in the manner that we envision. A consultant town planner is engaged at this stage to liaise between myself and the council. This stage can take between 3-6 weeks depending on the complexity of the project.
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Developed Design

The Developed Design phase of the project includes the development of accurate plans and exterior elevations, establishment of materials and layouts for the bathrooms and kitchen and any other highly detailed areas.
As well as an update of the preliminary project proposal into a preliminary schedule & project scope. The design is essentially finalised at the completion of this stage. At this point I typically recommend the services of a Quantity Surveyor, in order to make an initial assessment of the project cost, allowing us to feel confident enough to move forward with the design, or amend it accordingly. This stage can take between 3-6 weeks depending on the complexity of the project.
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Resource Consent Drawings & Documentation

Most medium to large projects with any level of complexity, require a Resource Consent (RC).
This phase includes adding detail to the drawings & documentation required for the purpose of lodging an RC. This stage is where the Town planning consultant comes into his own. They are required to write a report and Assessment of Environmental Effects. Other consultants may also be required to submit reports, plans and proposals as part of the submission of the RC application. Myself and the town planner liaise between all consultants on a regular basis during this period. Once the RC has been lodged, the planner, myself and the other consultants are on hand to answer any queries that the processing planner (for the council) has. This process can take between 2-6 months depending on the nature and complexity of the project.
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Building Consent Drawings & Documentation

Most projects other than very minor internal renovations, require a Building Consent (BC).
This phase includes detailed construction drawings and a specification describing the standards of workmanship for the purpose of obtaining a Building Consent. Including liaison with the council and consultants such as Structural Engineers before & during the ‘processing’ of the Building Consent.
The preparation of BC drawings and Documents can take between 4-16 weeks depending on the nature and complexity of the project. Then the council may take between 6-12 weeks to ‘process’ the BC.
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Project Documentation

Most projects other than very minor internal renovations, require Project Documentation.
This phase of the project involves finalising finishing details, including electrical plans, finalising bathroom and kitchen details and all additional drawings required for construction. Which is another level of detail above and beyond what is required for just a Building Consent.
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Procurement & Building

There are various options for ‘procurement’ of a building project.
This can depend on a number of factors including the clients own past experiences, abilities,and time available, the level of service required by the client,also the size and complexity of the project.
Some clients who have built before may prefer to deal directly with the builder themselves and possibly even project manage the project themselves as well. Others prefer to include other consultants such as Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers to ‘run’ the project for them.
Depending on the level of service required, I will be on hand to do regular Construction Observations of the work as it proceeds. Or I can simply clarify any of the drawings and documentation that I have provided for the project, from the office, saving you additional fees.
Don’t be alarmed by these stages, these are typical processes that all building works go through. As your designer, I will be there for you through these stages until the completion of your project.